« Christmas in Kenya 2008 - Post I | Main | Countdown: "10...9..." »


Yes, I know.  My countdown to Africa seems to have been interrupted by Thanksgiving, as well as by that mad scramble that occurs before every big trip.  Wrapping up stuff at work, cleaning my room, packing, making sure there aren't any dishes in the sink poised to sprout who-knows-what while I'm gone.  You know the drill.  Regardless, here I am, on the cusp of departure.

Funny stuff, life.  As I write this, late on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, I find myself somewhat back where it all began.  For those of you who know Eraina, you might know it was she who first spurred my interest in traveling to Africa a few years back.  In fact, our first discussion about traveling to Africa was at Carson and Hilary's wedding rehearsal dinner.  Not only am I traveling to Africa tomorrow  with the very same Carson and Hilary, who will be going on their first trip, but - lo and behold - I sit in Eraina's house the night before my 4th trip to Kenya.  It all seems so...I don't know, connected.

(An odd but somewhat related fact: I was also Eraina's 6th grade science teacher.)


In my previous two posts I asked you to pray for this and that, and your prayers are appreciated.  I'll ask once again for you simply breathe a short prayer now and then over the next 10 days for Carson and Hilary and the rest of the group as we travel.

Most importantly, I would ask you to remember that, at least for me, the trip is about one thing and one thing only: the kids.  I feel safe in saying we are all traveling to Kenya for the sole purpose of sharing God's love with these children in hopes of bringing some happiness and joy into their lives.  Undoubtedly there are other reasons or motivations for some people, but, when it's all said and done, the trip begins and ends with the children.

So...please lift these kids up in prayer.  Big prayer, little prayer, short prayer, written prayer, even muttered prayer.  Pray for them to find something positive and lasting in our visit.  Pray for God to touch them somehow so they find hope in what must be, at times, a hopeless future.  Pray for them to laugh and play.  Pray for them to realize they aren't alone.  Really, I guess it doesn't matter what you pray, just hold them in your hearts and present them to the Lord in prayer.  He'll know what you mean.

These are wonderful, special, amazing children.  It breaks my heart, over and over, to hear their stories of loss and pain and despair, but I am so thankful to have the chance to visit them, to play with them, to hold them, and to love them.  

Thank you for your interest and your comments.  I hope to find access to the internet while in Africa.  If so I will post a couple of photos and writings.  Not guaranteed, but I'll try, so be sure to check back every so often over the next few days.  To end, I'll leave you with a photo of the amazingly cute Agnes, one of the children at the BCC.  It's ridiculous how cute she is!

Reader Comments (4)

Praying for you and the team, Dave. I'll be checking your site for updates! Love the picture of Agnes! Oh, how I miss her! My heart is bursting with excitement for you all!

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

Have a wonderful time Dave! We are so excited for you, and for all the many ppl you will influence on your trip to Africa. We are thinking and praying for you. We look forward to the great photos and blog entries about the trip. Have fun!!!!!!!!!

yuriko and erik

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteryuriko

I am praying for all of you. I can't wait to hear the stories and see the pictures.

December 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

First of all...Eraina's Science Teacher? Really? Love it.

Second...I LOVE that Agnes is going to share her gifts with her friends.

Third...prayers for you and the team...only God really knows how much work you are doing over there. God Bless you brother.

December 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKent
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