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Wanderlust: A strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.

As I get older (and, by definition, as I have less and less time to do things), I find myself thinking - a lot - about places I want to see and trips I want to make.  I don't hold any real hope of checking off more than just a few places on the list, but I hope to keep making progress.

For some reason, I love the desert.  I love mountains, too, and the coast (the more rugged the better), but the desert moves me the most. I think it's all the wide open space, the ability to see so far, the fact that life flourishes in such a dry, hostile space.  I thrill in the solitude and quiet, the sunrises and sunsets.  Yes sir, for me, it's hard to beat the desert.

One place I long to see is the Namib desert in Namibia, Africa.  This desert, perhaps the oldest on earth, is home to the some of biggest dunes anywhere.  Here's a Google Earth look at some Namib dunes:

namib-dunes Namib Desert - Dunes from Above

Maybe someday...

Two of my favorite national parks are desert parks:

Big Bend in Texas

big-bend Big Bend National Park

Capital Reef in Utah

capital reef Capital Reef National Park

There are four deserts in the United States: The Sonoran, the Mojave, the Chihuahuan, and the Great Basin.  With the exception of the Great Basin desert (mainly Nevada), I've spent a decent amount of time in these deserts, and everytime I go to the desert, my fondness for the dry, lonely, quiet places is confirmed.

Reader Comments (2)

I definately experience wanderlust quite often. I have not ever wanderlusted for a desert place though - I will need to check one out.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErik

GUILTY!! I am also a huge Wanderluster...

March 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKent
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