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A Lot to Learn

If I dwell too long on the chasm between who I am and who I wish I was,  I start to cry and whimper.  OK, that was a little over the top.  To be honest, I'm quite pleased with who I am and where I've been.  God has blessed me in many, many ways (family, friends, material things) so I have little to complain about.

But I could be more.  So, I thought I'd put together a list of some things I wish I did but don't.  NOTE: the things have to be possible for me to do...no "run the mile in 4 minutes" kind of stuff.

I wish I...

  • Spoke an additional language or two - Spanish and Ki-Swahili would be perfect.

  • Appreciated (and understood) poetry.  I feel I'm missing a significant portion of the world's great literature.

  • Dated.  I enjoy my own company, but it's getting a bit ridiculous.

  • Could sew.  When you're 5'8", it would be handy to know how to hem pants.

  • Could cook.  I can't...at all.  I can heat, I can microwave, I can boil, but I can't actually combine ingredients and make dishes.

  • Play the guitar.  I don't have many creative talents (can't paint, can't sing, can't make mixed-media sculptures), but playing guitar would be a good skill to have.

  • Worked out regularly.  For someone who has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science, I'm a pathetic excuse of a slug.

  • Was a morning person.  Can't do it.  Waking up before the sun comes up seems un-natural to me.  In fact, waking up before 8:00 a.m. seems wrong.  But I'd like to be a morning person.

  • Had my pilot's license.  I've always been fascinated with flying, and would really enjoy being able to fly a plane (especially if it were free).

  • Traveled much, much more.  There are so many places I want to go.  As soon as I hit the lottery...

  • Was involved with a good church.  It's a drawback of living in the sticks.  Or I'm just lazy.

  • Knew how to kayak.  Weird, I know, but it looks like fun.

There's more, to be sure, but this is a decent sampling.  I'd be interested to hear what would make your list.  Don't be shy.

Reader Comments (3)

One of mine was to play the guitar. Finally just bought one and taught myself. I think I might suck, but I play on Sundays and the church doesn't fall down. I guess I can function. So, buy one, and we'll Skype. I'll teach you a few chords and then point you to some online lessons (free!). My whole family will join in and mock you, as they did me. My first song was "American Pie" and it would take me approximately 45 minutes to get through the whole thing.

I want to:

- meet my kids' birth family in Haiti (in person - we email through a missionary right now)

- finally read every single inch of the Bible. 36 years old. Will celebrate THIRTY years of Christ following this year. Still. Have yet to know for sure my eyes have seen every word.

- become an attachment therapist, yet only if I can be the most affordable AT in the entire nation.

- locate sugar daddy to make previous desire possible.

- learn Spanish and Creole. Hoping to save up for Rosetta Stone. Perhaps you could buy it, become fluent, and then donate it to our homeschool cause.

- actually grow more than three vegetables in my garden (not three TYPES of veggies, but literally only had THREE VEGETABLES last year). I also want some hens.

- not kill the hens I own.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

1. Wish I was a runner.

2. Played the piano.

3. Spoke german.

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrad Hoeksema

I would like to one day own 10 dogs and run a hotel for them
I would like to have my own tree house
I would like to be in charge of Special Events at Camp Ozark...one day
I would one day like to see France...like Madeline
One day I would like to swim with penguins and dolphins
I hope to one day learn French
I want to one day be a web designer because I hear they make a lot of money.

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBailey Priddy
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