Entries in trip (2)


Mile Marker 18

Speaking of deserts, I wanted to post this photo of one my all-time Top 10 favorite drives: Cottonwood Canyon Road, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.


Grand Staircase isn't a National Park, it's a National Monument, and it's truly an awesome place...southern Utah at its best.

To get here: Leave the Grand Canyon and head north to Page, Arizona.  Drive over the Glen Canyon Dam, and jump on Hwy. 89.  Enjoy the views of Lake Powell off to the right.  Cross into Utah heading northwest, still on Hwy. 89.  Around mile 18, look for the turn-off to your right.  Put your awesome little green Toyota Tacoma into 4WD and off you go!

At the end of the road, when you pull into Cannonville, the Grand-Staircase Visitor's Center is a must.

Countdown: "10...9..."

Continuing on with my countdown to Africa, I'd like to introduce you to some special people.

Tony Wenani is an amazing person.  As the on-site director of the BCC (the Baptist Children's Center in Nairobi), Tony wears a lot of hats: Preacher, supervisor, manager, tour guide, host, father figure, and more.  Furthermore, in addition to managing the BCC and all the staff and children, Tony has his own family to worry over, Lydia his wife and Serita his daughter.

One of the highlights of traveling to Africa is spending time with and around Tony Wenani.  His love for God, his pure servant's heart, his patience, kindness, gentleness and charity never fail to move and inspire me.  He is also my favorite preacher (I've heard him preach twice.)  He is truly one of my heroes.


Please pray for Tony, his beautiful wife Lydia and their young child Serita.  Pray for Tony's continued commitment to the boys and girls of the BCC.  Pray for Tony as he brings his message of hope and joy to the surrounding  slum community.

Another special friend of mine is Tom Okore.  Tom is one of the most joyful, playful, funny, witty, flat-out greatest people I've ever met.  He is a 100% joy to be around.  I can't imagine anyone meeting Tom and not feeling the same way.  Tom works as in-country staff for Buckner, serving as the missions coordinator.  I'm not sure I'll get to see Tom this trip as he has just gotten married.  From what little I know, traditional marriage is a big deal in Kenya, requiring the groom to pay a dowry, usually in the form of money (I think) and/or livestock, usually cows (I know).  Fortunately I was able to help (along with many others) provide some funds to Tom in order to purchase the necessary cows!  Tom has a very tough job as he coordinates and travels with the many groups visiting the BCC.  Essentially, he is run ragged throughout the year dealing with us clueless Muzungos (white people.)


Pray for Tom and his new life as a husband.  Pray for him to have stamina and patience as he balances the demands of married life with the demands of ushering mission group after mission group through the mazes of Kenya.  Pray for Tom to never lose his boyish enthusiasm!

The man with the plan is Dickson Masindano.  The story of how Dickson came to the position he's in as Buckner's Kenyan National Director is one of those stories that moves even marginal believers to proclaim, "Surely God did this."  I won't go into his story, since I'm sure I wouldn't do it justice, but believe me, it's one of those that leaves you shaking your head in wonder.    A capable, inspiring leader with gentle, yet strong, mannerisms, Dickson is the kind of person you respect almost as soon as you meet him.  Dickson is also a man who knows how to get things done.  You get the idea Dickson is hardly ever discouraged or doubtful of the outcome.  He's passionate and completely committed to what he sees as his heavenly mission here on earth - making life better for Kenyan orphans.


Pray for Dickson as he continues what must, at times, seem like a never-ending uphill battle.  Pray for Dickson as he takes on more and more responsibilities, as he becomes more and more integral in the struggle to reach the orphans of Kenya.  Pray for Dickson to continue to find talented, capable helpers.

Along with Tom and Tony and Dickson are a large number of other Kenyan staff who make the BCC what it is.  There are BCC watchmen, cooks, handymen, teachers and, of course, care givers.  I have met many of these people, and find them all simply amazing.  Here are some of the caregivers I've met over the years:

Please pray for these Godly, wonderful people.  The love they show and the skill they demonstrate as they act as mothers and fathers and friends for these orphans blows me away.  Ask the Lord to grant them strength and patience as they perform a very difficult, time-consuming task.  Pray for them to have discernment in dealing with the children.  Pray for their continued encouragement in serving "the least of these."

These are just some of the people serving the BCC children in Kenya.  I have yet to meet the staff who work at the Seeds of Hope in Kitale, but undoubtedly they are just as wonderful and could use our prayers just as much.  Pray for them as well.