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Down on the Bayou

Drove down I-49, tonight through Shreveport, Natchitoches (curiously pronounced "Nack-a-dush", all slurred together), and ended up in Alexandria ("Alex"). I'll be in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Lafayette the first part of the week before I return the way I came.


I've got to be honest, though: I don't like Louisiana. I like the people, for the most part. They seem to have a healthy amount of "joi de vivre." The food is undeniably unique and amazing. The accents, particularly in the south, are delectable, irreproducible, and inimitable. There are a lot of great things about Louisiana. But still...

I think it's because I feel like there's some sort of Voodoo just around the corner. Something dark and sinister and up to no good. Something I can't ever quite lay my eyes on. I know...sounds weird, but it's how I feel when I'm in LA. I've always felt this way when in the Pelican state. Just out of my peripheral vision, there it waits...Voodoo.

I'll be glad to get back to my home of the unwashed redneck, good 'ole Arkunsaw.

Note: I'm reading two books right now. "The Castle", by Franz Kafka, and "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. Both books are bizarre reads, but especially "The Castle." It's so...so..."Kafkan" (imagine that.) Makes me wish I read German. I'll write more about it when I'm done and have a bit of time to process. Just started "The Road", it's a loaner book.

Reader Comments (2)

Hey, "The Road" only gets weirder and weired. I had to stop reading it and hid it in my roommate's room because I was getting spooked out with it just being in my own room. Haha-enjoy? :)

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLesley Files

Dang, I meant "weirder" Haha,I gave the book to one of my friends after I took it out of hiding and he seemed to rather like it. Maybe there is hope after all.

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLesley Files
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