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Kenya - my friend Tom

As you probably know, the country of Kenya has been rocked by violence and uncertainty after the presidential elections of late last year. The following is an exchange between myself and Tom, one of Buckner's in-country staff. Tom is one of my favorite people in the world...he has the biggest smile, loves Jesus in a beautiful way, tells many funny jokes and generally makes you want to be around him. Tom is getting married in June to a woman named Perpetua and is busy making wedding plans:

Hello Tom!

It has been much too long since I’ve written you. You have my deepest apologies. You and all my friends in Kenya have been on my mind and in my prayers as I’ve read about the troubles there after the election. I trust and pray that you, your family and your friends are doing well. How are the wedding plans coming along? I’m afraid that I do not know when the wedding takes place, could you tell me please? I’m very excited for you and your wife-to-be; she must be happy to be getting married to such a smiling man as yourself!

It is my hope to return to Kenya with Buckner in December. I look forward to the day when we can meet again as I miss your jokes. I’m sure you miss me as well! Please let me hear from you if possible. I truly hold you as a dear friend in my heart and I miss you. Again, I hope all is well. Pass along my greetings to the children of BCC and others who might know me.

Your friend, Dave


Thank you Dave! We have had a difficult start this year but are glad that things seem to be working now....i really thank God for the prayers of many, including yours, God has spared us a lot of trouble.
Yeah, Perpetua needs to see this message! Thanks for your kindness. The wedding is set on June 14. at the moment, I am putting together a team of people from church to help with various arrangements including raising finances for the expenses. It's really hectic!
I am glad all the kids are doing well. The violence made them stay at home so much but we are glad they are well. some of the ones in high school had a difficult time and were unable to travel back to school, but they are now all there. i will pass your greetings to them sometime when i see them. as always, it would be good to see you again and i pray God makes it possible so that we may encourage one another in the Lord. have a good day. Tom

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